When told they need to communicate more often think that is an open invitation to speak, but there is a difference between talking and communicating complete.
Communication is an art, and art that combine the ability to express your opinions and feelings to ensure that the person or people you talk to understand what you are trying to tell the listening and understand the point of another view.
Many times I sat in a room, often in meetings and conferences, and I just watched and listened to what is around me. It 'totally fascinating when whole groups of people are unable to listen to their colleagues, partners and friends, and therefore do not understand or comprehend any opinion other than their own.
What could have been covered in five minutes or learned in half an hour can take hours or days, because people refuse to sit, listen and understand.
And over the years' amazing how often people get the information that, if you are working, it could completely change the ratio of success, career or business. But just because people do not have the ability to listen and to think of the person through the point of view, the unique opportunities pass them.
Relationships are no different to the work environment there is usually not just two. Often, what could be a perfect marriage is destroyed by the sheer inability to communicate. The most successful relationships, whether business or personal are those in which both sides have strong verbal skills and hearing.
Many relationship problems begin with poor communication. Couples often feel that their partner should know what they think and how they feel so do not communicate and then wonder why they feel neglected and underestimated.
How many people choose not to tell your partner something just because you do not know what to say and then eaten immediately the problem of the relationship until he left there a relationship? What a waste, but the pure ability to share a problem can make what appeared to be an insurmountable problem, a small dot on a wide horizon.
So when you feel stressed or something done not only by the bottle, talk, seek advice and hear the answer. Do not be silent when you know in your heart a problem must be released and not leave for tomorrow what needs to be resolved today. Tomorrow never comes!
It's how you say something that will ruin a relationship, and not what you say. The wrong way is to lose something you know to aggravate the distress of his partner. The last thing we want is to be defensive, storm off and burst into tears. You want the person who is trying to communicate and be open and thorough in order to achieve this objective, the timing and approach must be right.
Each person is different what will work with a person not necessarily work with them and some people all you can do is sew the seed and then walk away and leave them running by themselves.
A person you never know really listens to anyone. He is one of those people who is always right, no matter what, clue Has not talking about a team player and is the zero tolerance zone. Traditional approaches and method of reasoning does not work, and alls you do is plant the seed of thought that eventually will develop, own idea of acceptable.
As the individuality of the people you have to learn what is the right approach for you and your partner. Make sure you never start a discussion if you do not have time to finish, not to insist on a debate in which one of you is off to work, dealing with children or simply relax front of their favorite television program. If the timing just never seems to be asking the question "When will be the right time for us to just sit and talk?". Whatever you do, do not appear agitated either in what you say or how to say it. body language can be just as easy to put your partner on the defensive, as you say to them. Even if your partner is up for a fight just does not respond.
Remember the first rule of thumb, the defensive approach to the defensive is a sure way to fail.
One of the main ways of improving communication is the development of strong listening skills. Couples often do not listen to what your partner has to say, stop and give the impression that no matter what is said is not going to change their minds. A tip to make sure you have heard and understood not to repeat what he heard. This will show you heard what was said and repeat again, you can understand and comprehend.
How many times we try to solve a problem and it is only at that time, we are about someone else's magic lamp light switch, which allows us to find the answer.
If you take an exam that you expect to know simply by being told it once? For most people, I would say no. We need to work on it and work hard.
Nobody ever said marriage was going to be easy which is just another lesson we should learn that we have the experience of life, but if you want to save your marriage and make it even more special than it was forward, then there is little that stop it.
Relationship problems are weighing on your mind, become a burden and what was originally a small problem can become an insurmountable mountain.
If you start to feel that marital problems began to weigh heavily on your mind, take a break and do something you love, preferably with your partner. If you can focus your attention on improving the things in life, everyday problems that always seem much smaller. Spend a little time together and enjoy the company might allow you and your partner to some of the feelings that have been lost forever arguing and help you regain a positive attitude in their relationship.
Only one last piece of advice, when you feel down and feel like you no longer want to save the marriage, one must remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
If you think that the economic problems now what will you think when you divide your property, if you feel you do not have time to do things, what will happen when you are alone, or worse if you are single and only now how you feel when every Once you walk your doorstep, all you have is their business. Now, none of these ideas were raised to encourage people to stay in a relationship badly, but do you think yours is as bad as you think.
You are master of your destiny and if you want to turn a bad marriage who have the power in hand.
Communication Is Essential For A Healthy Relationship
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Communication Is Essential For A Healthy Relationship
Reviewed by inicuma
on Sunday, September 18, 2011
Rating: 4.5
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