Meet Women For Marriage: When Dating Is Really

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

After years of random encounters, you are now interested in meeting women for marriage? Are you afraid you will never find life partner is the right woman? How do you know if you encounter a woman could make a good wife? When a guy is younger, dating is often the case for the next conquest. You meet a girl somewhere, the date of his a couple of times, then move on to someone else, that attracts attention. But when the dating is serious, you are looking for a woman who could become your partner. Make sure you make the right choice, what should be a permanent commitment to these factors when they meet women in marriage:

"Family values".

Although the term has come to represent a set of conservative values, not to talk politics. When you meet women for consideration of marriage, plans to create a new family. Before asking the question, will have to determine if you and your girlfriend look into the eyes of family problems this way:

• having children. Do you both want children? How many? What are the ideas of each discipline?

• Finance. Do you intend to work at once? Who will manage your budget? Will you keep separate bank accounts or join? Are you savers or spenders?

• Sex. You are both equally important place of sex? How often? You both believe in monogamy?

• Extended families. Did you meet your prospective in-laws? Has she met your parents? How do you think all of you gathered?

Strange as it may feel about these issues, if you're not willing to ask these questions, you're probably not ready to marry. And if you wait until you marry for answers, it may be difficult for some surprises. The higher your values ​​match, the better. If you really care about someone, but not agree on some of these "family values", seek professional help. Pre-marital counseling can be an opportunity to reach an agreement before they become conflicts.

General compatibility.

In addition to working on specific issues to the family, please keep in mind that you must live under the same roof with another, day after day and year after year. Long after the first view of the craze can be worn as you want to be with a woman who is easy to be with. Marriage is quite high maintenance without picking a spouse incompatible. So when you meet women for marriage, make sure you are compatible in so many areas as possible:

• similar interests. Enjoy your time together enjoying similar services. For example, if you're both sports fans, you can watch the Super Bowl, the guilt-free.

• the corresponding values. In addition, family values, which have similar views on religion, politics, or what is important in life can be fun. Vegan and deer hunters can learn side by side in peace, but the less you need to make a compromise, the better.

• similar personalities. It 'true that opposites attract - not be identical in every way. But personality would mesh well, at least. Take the same energy levels and sense of humor, for example, can reduce complications that cause introverted extrovert to live.

• similar backgrounds. It is absolutely critical, but the more you have in common, they are easier to build a relationship of life. They come from similar socio-economic backgrounds whose families share similar - may reduce some of these disputes on a daily basis.

So now you have an idea of ​​what you want when you start to meet women for marriage, it's just a matter of finding the ideal woman. When the time comes, be prepared to sit down and order their similarities and differences. To best know what to expect marriage to be a good start.


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